It’s wet, it’s cold,
It’s windy outside,
But still it’s time
For seasonal tide.
So wrap up tight,
Well and warm,
Dress for cheer,
For festive form.
Drink and eat,
Sing and play,
Jovial and anew,
This Christmas Day.
The days are dark,
The nights are long,
But we fill both,
With games and song.
The lights are hung,
The glow soothes,
The smells quell,
The meanest of moods.
Open your doors,
Open your hearts,
As the year ends,
Love for all starts.
We don’t need snow,
Nor gifts aplenty,
To ease our worries,
And slumber gently.
It’s the one day a year,
To try our best,
To help others we know,
To relax and rest.
Nap by the tree,
Fill up on sweets,
Enjoy good company;
The jolliest of treats.
Spare a thought,
For those without,
Who spend this time,
With nothing to flout.
Pull them in,
Seat them down,
By the fire with a plate,
And a paper crown.
You’ll have enough,
But you’ll have more,
When you give everything,
To the sick, sad, and poor.
A house that is full,
Needs no fire nor food,
When all are welcome,
No enemies can brood.
So pour another glass,
Take another bite,
Laugh and love often,
Throughout the night.
And when the sun breaks,
Dawn watery and meek,
Prepare to celebrate again,
In the following week.