It Never Ends
A curving road, Turning on forever, Listing to the right.
A new morning, Swelling at dawn, Growing ever bright.
A great leap, Forward ahead, Landing out of sight.
An early start, A journey begun, Again every night.
Another year, Older this time, Blow out the candlelight.
Struggled and strain, Beneath the weight, Gripping the bar tight.
Somewhere, You toil again, Another plight.
Sitting in departure, Off once more, Waiting for flight.
Final tests done, With more to do, Testing your might.
The snow returns, Heavy as before, As powdery white.
Your partner, Like the others, Picks a fight.
Cook dinner, Cook a little better, A little less shite.
The news at nine, Another famine somewhere, Another deadly blight.
The wind picks up, Another perfect day, To fly a kite.
Forget her name, But never forget, Her love-bite.
Everything replays, Over and over, Coming across trite.
Yet we live, Not stubbornly, Nor in spite.
We live to live, And to live, we live, We live; quite.