
Conor Matthews
2 min readSep 4, 2022


Horrid mountains lie in wake,

You can feel them in your young bones;

Daunting tasks litter your future,

Worn away by those who make it look easy.

Novice, you hate the name,

A reminder of who you are,

And how much further you must grow.

You came into this world of adults,

And you still feel like mewing and crying.

I can tell you though you may not listen,

That you are not hopelessly lost.

You just haven’t found yourself yet.

We are not maps to be searched and studied,

But compasses to point ahead,

We can not say where everything is,

Just where forward is.

You will be jealous of friends,

And left wanting by heroes,

But find your way back to you,

The only voyage for you.

You will feel late to your life,

Hoping no one’s started yours without you.

But how can others hold what you alone carry?

This is not mocking taunts you hear,

But desperate gasps to be saved.

From those feeling drowned just like you,

They too need to stop and float.

So please, be with yourself as with another,

Kind, Calm, Sympathetic, and Sweet.

You may feel belittled and babied,

That’s only because you have yet to reparent.

Tell yourself tales of your victories,

And sooth the aches of loss.

Raise your worries into preparation,

Nurse your fears into motivation.

You are the one in charge.

The one you need in your corner.

It’s the most terrifying feeling you’ll ensure,

But I promise if your listen,

It won’t be the last thing you’ll make yours.

So go out; be scared,

Confused and disorientated.

You will find your way,

For it’ll be right ahead.

For your ways is not already cut,

Shaped by another ahead of time.

You’ll find your path.

It’ll be the only one you’ll take.

Photo by Andrew Ly on Unsplash



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