Mr. Name
I don’t feel like being a hero,
I feel like killing one.
I don’t feel like doing the right thing,
I feel like having fun.
Good people flee from me,
I walk and take my time.
You may play by the rules,
If I don’t get caught it aint a crime.
You call me the bad guy,
Show respect; that aint my name.
You call me the devil,
Or Lucifer, like they’re on in the same.
This may surprise some,
But I don’t care what you do.
This may come as a shock,
I work the brothel and the pew.
Call me by my name,
Whatever one you wish.
If you want revenge,
Served on a cold dish.
If you have someone in mind,
That you want me to kill.
Or take out for a night,
If you want a thrill.
Call me by my name,
Shout it out nice and loud.
They’ll never see me coming,
I’ll be hiding in the crowd.
I can’t be all that bad,
If I’m just here to help.
So the next time you need me,
Just say my name; give a yelp.