Sure, no one is saying overnight society has to get on board. For a lot of people this is the very first time they've ever come across the concept of gender, let alone transgender, but WE are society, we feed into it, and we uphold it both through particpation and ignoring factors. Why is a bathroom seperated by gender? Everyone poops. Why are some competitive sports seperated by gender but not by other advantagous factors like weight, age, experience like in other competitive sports? Same sex prisons do nothing to curb incidents of sexual assault (which begs the question, why is there an institution that is rife with rape that we all agree to turn a blind eye to). If there are challenges to longstanding practices we have to be willing to admit the reason they are longstanding is less due to merit and more to do with us choosing not to address them. "Trans women are women" is not a challenge, it's a clarification, a reminder in the face of adversity, the same way "Black lives matter" doesn't detract from my life.
If people feel threatened by another person's assertion of personhood, what does that say about what they've built their life upon?