The Great Gluttony
Shaggy and jagged blocks of pixels scatter and shamble on the screen,
Twitching and teasing the locked and dead eyes of a mind sentenced to death,
Yet he, Death, stands behind them,
Pissed and angry that they’ve tricked and fooled him,
Escaped his beckoning calls and his friendly warnings to embrace life.
In trapping their minds they have unleashed their concerns and fears,
Only to pay for the indulgences to a church built upon rehearsed emotionality,
A daily flogging of decay and angst,
Foisted and forced upon all for the profit of neo-clergymen behind the code,
Who would never dare allow their bastard children to savour such bliss.
Yet vacuums are to be filled and put to good use by those who deem “good”,
With images and roars of bigotry, genocide, and sensational rides,
A rollercoaster of belligerence,
To distract and attract those young men to build up as canon fodder,
For the next holy crusade into the culture of those who still remain; Deus Vult.