The Neighbour Upstairs
I have a neighbour upstairs
And they can be loud.
At night, in the morning,
How can one person make so much sound?
They’re always upstairs,
They just never leave
Not for work, not for sleep,
The noise has no reprieve.
What’s strange is I live in a house,
There’s no one above me.
The neighbour isn’t real; never was,
But how can that be?
I know I have neighbour,
Even if they don’t exist.
I want to admit they’re not there,
But I can’t, I must resist.
I have a neighbour upstairs,
Whether you believe me or not.
I know they shouldn’t be,
But I guess that’s my lot.
So they’re up there now,
Banging away.
And I have no choice but to listen,
All night and all day.