The 23rd in Dublin

Conor Matthews
Nov 23, 2023


They’re tearing the country apart”,

He says as he sets a bus alight.

“Ireland for the Irish”,

He calls in the November night.

“Look after our own”,

Chorused by the far right.

“Irish lives matter”,

Screamed from out of sight.

“Go back home”,

He spits with all his might.

“RTÉ are the virus”,

He yells; the little shite.

“You should side with us”,

He’s commands those he fights.

“Fight the real enemy”,

He blubbers in fright.

“Enough is enough”,

He screeches; a mindless blight.

“Ireland is full”,

He states with fists tight.

“They will not replace us”,

He chants as Dublin glows bright.

Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash




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