Things I never thought I’d see in Ireland.
Pubs closed.
People acting like American conspiracy theorists (looking at you Gemma, Waters, and Corr).
People praising Fine Gael.
Three agricultural minister in the space of weeks.
People feeling threatened by a public health advice.
Irish men washing their hands.
Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, together at last.
Kids wanting to go back to school.
A school isolating children in a wooden shed.
80 people playing golf.
A government official saying “sorry not sorry” but still resigning (but still not sorry).
Pubs closed (I know I said this already but seriously, it’s weird).
A recession not caused by a property bubble.
Local lockdowns.
Two Taoiseachs (Prim Ministers)(kind of two; it’s weird, don’t ask).
A government it took five months to form.Advertisements more dystopian than usual.
Twenty-three percent unemployment (again, surprisingly not due to a property bubble).
Pubs closed (I’m sorry, but it’s so strange! It’s like if America close down fast food places!)