
Conor Matthews
Jan 16, 2023


Travel for a bed,
Leaving deceit in their head,
A regret before your dead,
But who cares; you got fed.

Love what you hate,
Stay up late,
To see a lad as a mate,
Midnight snacks on a plate.

Sigh a whistle slow,
As girls put on a show,
They have secrets only you know,
You reap what you sow.

Someone new every night,
Cheap, eager, and tight,
Sends the senses in flight,
This is a losing fight.

Keep it hush,
No need to rush,
So close; just a push,
Mute the video; shush!

Never tell a single soul,
Even as it takes a toll,
Give in while you’re a roll,
Go on; plunge down that hole.

Photo by DIEGO SANCHEZ on Unsplash



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